There are seven wonders of the ancient world and seven wonders of the modern world; but when porn decides to put together its list of wonders of the world, Cytherea will be at the top of everyone's list. With the beauty of a cover model wrapped around the sexual fury of a lioness in heat, Cytherea made her fame with her gift of squirt. "You think she's coming and then wham, you hear the shrieks of ecstasy and the flow of her love juice hits you in the chest" smiled director Jimmy D. "That's when you know she came." Go into the closet and pull out your rubbers and get ready for 2 Hours of wet and wild action. If you are afraid you will get wet in the front row of a Gallagher show... don't sit too close to your monitor when viewing Cytherea Falls.
Interracially Damaged Take Two
Heres a riddle to tell at your next Republican......